How My Spring Semester Is Shaping Up

Initially, I thought it would be a weird transition coming back to campus after being home for so long. Surprisingly, I got right back into the groove of things.

One thing I was worried about was my schedule. My classes are at a higher level this semester, and I thought I would be playing more basketball.

It turns out that higher-level classes don’t necessarily mean more work—it’s just a different kind of work. You’re not really doing more homework, but you are doing more reading and then discussing what you read in class. So the biggest difference to me is that you learn more through discussing than through doing extra work, which I’ve enjoyed a lot.

Unfortunately, basketball has not panned out the way I wanted it to. I talked in one of my previous posts about making the club basketball team, but unfortunately the whole team fell out. We’re not even playing or practicing this semester, which was a major disappointment to me. Luckily, I was asked to play on an intramural team that takes the game seriously and wants to win. This isn’t what I expected for this semester, but I really like the guys on this team, and it seems like it’s going to work out well. As of right now, I am the third-highest scorer on the team, which I think is good for a freshman.
